Sunday School

Our Sunday School program takes place each Sunday Morning, starting with a time of visiting and refreshments at 11:30 AM.  At 12 noon, we enjoy a time of singing, followed by Bible-based stories and topics in age-appropriate classrooms.  Our classes begin at three years old and continue to post-secondary school age.

In addition, we have several special events throughout the year to which all - parents, relatives, and friends - are invited.  They include the Awards Program in January, Mother's Day Program, a Picnic in June,  Thanksgiving Program and Luncheon, and Christmas Program.

Door to door transportation is available by contacting Marcel or Rose Anne @ (905) 277-2664.  

There are no collections or requests made of the children.

We would be delighted to teach your children at Sunday School.  Parents are welcome to audit their child's class, or to attend the Adult Bible Class at the same time.

Service Times

Remembrance Service
Sundays at 10 am
Adult Bible Class
Sundays at 12:00pm
Sunday School
Sundays at 12:00pm
Gospel Service
Sundays at 12:00pm
Prayer and Bible Study
Tuesdays at 7:30pm